Are you seeking a promotion to the next level?

Police Assessment Center Prep’s Presentations

Public speaking.


Most of us hated this class as a requirement either in high school or college. Getting up in front of a group of people gives many people anxiety. Thoughts run through your mind, “What do they think of me? Do I look alright? Am I wearing the right clothes? Are they staring at my unkempt hair because I didn’t have time to comb it this morning?”


Seven percent of Americans report they have a fear of public speaking, otherwise known as glossophobia. Of this seven percent (which is 27 million Americans), fifteen percent of the 27 million’s fear of public speaking affects their promotion chances. These statistics do not include those who don’t like public speaking or who get nervous speaking publicly.


Police Assessment Center Prep is dedicated to helping police officers and law enforcement personnel obtain the promotion and position they desire. We offer courses on all components of the police promotional exam in order to help you pass with flying colors. Contact us today for more information.


Here at Police Assessment Center Prep, we understand the real fear many have when it comes to speaking publicly. Here are some tips we offer to overcome your fear of public speaking.




  • Start small. If you have a dog or cat, start there. Simulate the act as much as possible by standing up and speaking. Then, when you’re ready, add in a few friends or family. Solicit honest feedback.
  • Practice, practice, practice. Public speaking is like any skill; if you want to improve, you have to practice. Those who are good speakers have years of speaking to large crowds and being in the public eye. However, they started like you–small. Take advantage of any work-related opportunity to get in front of people and do a presentation. You’ll find the more you do, the better you’ll get, and the more your anxiety will decrease.
  • Prepare. Know what you’re talking about. The last thing you want to do is get up in front of people and bumble around like someone who’s had too much to drink. Know your material well enough that you can answer any question related to it.
  • Don’t memorize. The more natural you sound, the more engaging you’ll be, the more people will listen to you and like you. Know your key points and then extemporize. Engage with your audience, make eye contact, and forge a connection.
  • Eliminate the self-deprecation. Negative self-talk will only hurt you. You can do this!
  • Watch yourself in the mirror. Give your speech to the mirror after you give your speech to your dog, cat, and family members. You’ll notice little mannerisms that you didn’t know you were doing, which make a big impression on the audience.
  • Hire a professional. The ability to convey meaning is key in any kind of managerial or executive position. You have to not only know what you’re talking about, but you have to be able to convey that knowledge in an intelligent and engaging manner. You could be the smartest person in the world but if you couldn’t tell someone how to tie their shoe effectively, you’d never get promoted.


Police Assessment Center Prep is here to help. We have helped hundreds of law enforcement personnel get promotions from our courses. We offer courses on Emergency Operations, Subordinate Counseling and Personal Issues, and In-Basket (In-Out Box). During the police promotional exam, the Presentation component is a big part of your score. It’s hugely important in law enforcement. Master the skills you need today to pass the police promotional exam. Contact us now!

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Let PACP guide your preparation. Go into your Assessment Center prepared, confident, and ready to score at the top of the list. We have systems in place to help you Get Promoted and become an excellent supervisor.

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With over 200 #1 Assessment Scores, our instructors have a proven track record. Chief Freddie Fernandez & Chief David Johns have been training officers for 19 years. Trust them to help you get promoted and advance your career.

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